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Aside Definition of Aside by MerriamWebsterAdverb He stepped aside and let her pass He threw his coat aside She laid the book aside He elbowed people aside as he moved through the crowd He took her aside to speak to her privately Someone grabbed him and pulled him aside Noun She made a joke about the food in a muttered aside to her husband The book includes several lengthy asides about the personal lives of scientists Aside definition of aside by The Free Dictionarya·side əsīd′ adv 1 To or toward the side step aside 2 Out of ones thoughts or mind put my doubts aside 3 Apart a day set aside for relaxing 4 In reserve away put a little money aside prep Being excepted or excluded from consideration All joking aside can you swim two miles n 1 A piece of dialogue intended for the audience Aside Define Aside at a part of an actors lines supposedly not heard by others on the stage and intended only for the audienceAside Synonyms Aside Antonyms “Not but what she would have royal example” muttered Tibble aside Aside to audience in comic despair with appropriate gesture The soliloquy and aside are evidently not so frequent in New ComedyHTML aside Tag W3SchoolsDefinition and Usage The tag defines some content aside from the content it is placed in The aside content should be related to the surrounding contentASIDE meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionaryaside definition 1 on or to one side 2 If you putset aside money you save it for a particular purpose 3 If you leave or put a problem or request aside you ignore it until you are able to solve it Learn moreAside WikipediaAn aside is a dramatic device in which a character speaks to the convention the audience is to realize that the characters speech is unheard by the other characters on stage It may be addressed to the audience expressly in character or out or represent an unspoken thoughtAside Examples and Definition of Aside Literary DevicesDefinition Usage and a list of Aside Examples in common speech and literature Aside is a short comment or speech that a character delivers directly to the audience or to himself while other actors on the stage cannot listenaside Definition of aside in English by Oxford Dictionaries‘Leaving aside the fact that there are major road and infrastructural deficiencies this is completely contrary to the greater public interest’ ‘As such even leaving aside the ethics of the thing I sometimes wonder how historians manage to keep their jobs after trashing their primary source material’Aside From Definition of Aside From by MerriamWebsterAside from definition is in addition to besides How to use aside from in a sentence
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