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Latterday Saint Hymnbook and Children’s Songbook to Be A letter has been sent to Latterday Saint Church leaders around the world announcing a revision to the hymnbook and childrens songbook used in worship servicesMAJOR LDS HYMNBOOK EDITIONS THROUGH THE YEARSMAJOR LDS HYMNBOOK EDITIONS THROUGH THE YEARS Emma Smith’s Hymn Collection 1835 o Entitled A Collection of Sacred Hymns for the Church of the Latter Day SaintsANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Why are the books being revised Hymns and the Children’s Songbook are being revised to unify the music used forWhat to Expect at Latterday Saint Church ServicesThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Newsroom THE OFFICIAL RESOURCE FOR NEWS MEDIA OPINION LEADERS AND THE PUBLICHistory of Missionary Work in the Church LDS NewsThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Newsroom THE OFFICIAL RESOURCE FOR NEWS MEDIA OPINION LEADERS AND THE PUBLICGlobal Response for Light the World Service InitiativeThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Newsroom THE OFFICIAL RESOURCE FOR NEWS MEDIA OPINION LEADERS AND THE PUBLICChurch Leaders Call for Better Observance of Sabbath DayDownloadable 1080 HD Sabbath Day Observance Full QA for journalists Downloadable 1080 HD Sabbath Day Observance QA for members Elder M Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained that Church leaders have felt the importance of encouraging families and individuals to rethink and refocus their efforts on what they do on the Sabbath dayMormonism in Pictures What Do Mormon Teens DoMormonism in Pictures is a photo essay feature from depicting the Church and its members around the world Samoan Latterday Saint youth participate in rugby during an interfaith conferenceLearn About the Churchs Young Women OrganizationThe Young Women organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints provides instruction encouragement and support in living the gospel of Jesus Christ for teenage female Church members ages 12 through 17LDS News Mormon News Official Newsroom of the ChurchYou are leaving the Mormon Newsroom You are about to access Constant Contacts You are now leaving a website maintained by The
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