Posted by admin
Posted on August 01, 2018
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Watch Tokak (2013) Full Movie and Download. Tokak can be watch for free registering. Watch Tokak with 1080p Quality.
Tokak (2013)
Release : 2013-06-20 Genre : Horror, Comedy Runtime : 90 minutes Home Page : Company : Cast : Faiz Raja Lawak, Airis Yasmin, Mikail Andre, Diana Johor, Abon
Horror film about an incident at a secluded resort that takes place over the course of one night. The Tokak is a vengeful spirit from Sungai Raya who has possessed a man named Iskandar, owner of the resort. In order for Iskandar to return to a human, he has to murder and drink the blood of six women who have sinned with lust in one night.
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